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Access, opening hours, contacts

General Information

Address: Piazza della Minerva, 38 - 00186 Roma

Telephone: +39 06 6706 3717

Fax: +39 06 6706 4338

e-mail: BibliotecaMinerva@senato.it

Opening Hours

For the general public:

· Mondays - Fridays: 9.00 - 19.30

· Saturdays: 9.00 - 12.30

For Senators and the Senate staff

· Mondays - Fridays: 8.30 - 20.30 (or until the end of the sitting)

· Sarturdays: 9.00 - 13.00

The Library is closed to the general public during the month of August

Special e-mail addresses are available to request the services below:

· Reference service - Bibliographic informations: bibl-info@senato.it

· Interlibrary loan and document delivery: bibl-ill@senato.it

· Guided tours of the Library: bibleventi@senato.it

See opening hours and addresses of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies

Additional informations