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What the 14th Standing Committee on EU Policies does

Legislative and Non-Legislative Business of the EU

The main functions of the 14th Committee in this context include: debates at the presence of Government ministers on Commission's draft measures before they are included in the Council agenda; issues relating to EU agreements; activity of the European Union and its bodies (also under the new provisions introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon and by virtue of the political dialogue with EU institutions). The Italian Senate can thus set guidelines that the Government may follow in the negotiations leading to the adoption of Community measures.

The 14th Committee also scrutinises resolutions adopted by the European Parliament. It may hold a debate on a specific matter dealt with by the European Parliament and may adopt guidelines for the Government.

A Committee member may also take part in a debate on a ruling of the Court of Justice in a committee having jurisdiction over the subject matter of the Court decision; such committee may pass recommendations to the Government or, if a bill on the same subject is on its agenda, it may consider the two measures jointly.

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