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Senate Bodies

The President

Within twenty days of the general election, the Senate must hold its first sitting, which is presided over by the most senior senator by age. At their first session, the senators elect a new President of the Senate by secret ballot. For the first two ballots, an absolute majority of all the Senate members is required, but if this majority is not obtained a third ballot takes place, for which an absolute majority of the members present is sufficient. If no senator obtains the required majority in this ballot, the two senators obtaining the most votes in the previous ballot run against each other. In the case of a tied vote, the oldest senator is elected or, when two senators tie in second place, the oldest senator is chosen for the run-off ballot.
The President of the Senate holds an important office as the representative of the Senate and the second highest-ranking officer of the Republic. He acts as President of the Republic when the President is unable to perform his or her functions.
The President chairs the debates, decides on the admissibility of bills, motions and questions, gives the floor to members, puts motions to the House, sets the voting schedule and proclaims the result of votes. He presides over the work of the Senate bodies, enforces the Rules, oversees the functions attributed to the Quaestors and Secretaries, and ensures the smooth running of the administrative machinery.

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