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Senate Bodies

17th Parliament



Pietro Grasso

Vice Presidents

Valeria Fedeli
Linda Lanzillotta
Roberto Calderoli
Maurizio Gasparri


Antonio De Poli
Laura Bottici
Lucio Malan


Silvana Amati
Rosa Maria Di Giorgi
Angelica Saggese
Luciano Pizzetti
Giacomo Stucchi
Alessandra Mussolini
Antonio Gentile
Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati
Hans Berger
Lucio Barani
Alessia Petraglia

Standing Committees

1st Standing Committee (Constitutional Affairs, Affairs of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Interior Affairs, Organisation of the State and the Public Administration)

Chairperson: Anna Finocchiaro

2nd Standing Committee (Judiciary)

Chairperson: Nitto Francesco Palma

3rd Standing Committee (Foreign Affairs, Emigration)

Chairperson: Pier Ferdinando Casini

4th Standing Committee (Defence)

Chairperson: Nicola Latorre

5th Standing Committee (Economic Planning, Budget)

Chairperson: Antonio Azzollini

6th Standing Committee (Finance and Treasury)

Chairperson: Mauro Maria Marino

7th Standing Committee (Education, Cultural Properties, Scientific Research, Entertainment and Sport)

Chairperson: Andrea Marcucci

8th Standing Committee (Public Works, Communications)

Chairperson: Altero Matteoli

9th Standing Committee (Agriculture and Food Production)

Chairperson: Roberto Formigoni

10th Standing Committee (Industry, Trade, Tourism)

Chairperson: Massimo Mucchetti

11th Standing Committee (Labour, Social Security)

Chairperson: Maurizio Sacconi

12th Standing Committee (Health)

Chairperson: Emilia Grazia De Biasi

13th Standing Committee (Environment, Environmental Properties and the Land)

Chairperson: Giuseppe Francesco Maria Marinello

14th Standing Committee (European Union Policies)

Chairperson: Vannino Chiti

Select Committees

Elections and Parliamentary Immunity

Chairperson: Dario Stefano

Rules of the Senate


Additional informations
