FAQs on the Bookshop - Official Information and Documentation Centre

  1. What is it?

  2. Which records or papers can I buy there?

  3. Where is it?

  4. What is its opening time?

  5. When is it closed?

  6. Who is admitted?

  7. Is there a special procedure to follow in order to be admitted?

  8. Are children admitted? Can they find any information material suitable for them?

  9. Can debates be followed live at the InformEduc@tion Centre?

  10. Where can I find the Catalogue of Publications of the Senate?

  11. How can I buy the publications sold in the InformEduc@tion Centre?

  12. Are the publications of the Senate also available in electronic format?

  13. Can parliamentary records and papers be consulted? And printed?

  14. How much does printing parliamentary records and papers published on the Internet cost?

  15. Can I also order parliamentary records and papers by phone, fax or e-mail?

  16. Can I use the PC station to research online in the InformEduc@tion Centre? Is there a time limit for that?

  17. Can I print using the PC station in the InformEduc@tion Centre?

  18. Can I leave documents or letters at the InformEduc@tion Centre to be delivered to Senators?

  19. What shall I do to take part in mock-sittings?