
E-mail addresses: Introduction

It is possible to write to have information on parliamentary business or buy Senate records and publications, receive technical information or ask questions on the website.

To have information on the Senate Library, its access and procedures, its collections of Medieval Charters and Statutes and local history or be given bibliographical assistance, send an e-mail to its address. There is also an e-mail address for the Senate Historical Archives.

To be informed on the procedures to visit Palazzo Madama or attend debates from the public gallery, send an e-mail to the Security and Protocol Department.

All e-mail addresses can be found in the right column on this page.

In any case, we suggest that you should read the FAQ's before sending enquiries.

It is also possible to contact Senators via e-mail using the addresses that can be found on the individual Senators' pages, where information on their activity is provided (from the Homepage, click on "Composizione" and "I Senatori", or "Composizione" and "Gruppi parlamentari")