

Foto Storia

The Impact Assessment Office began to publish its studies on 1 August 2017. Its conception, however, dates back to 2015: over the past three years the Senate administration started, carried out and completed the training of its personnel on public policy analysis and assessment, creating a restricted and skilled team.

Yet the Senate's effort went even further. It started collaborating with the Conference of the Regional Councils' Presidents while assessing European policies in our territories and it promoted and organised the first 2nd-level Master's degree in analysis and assessment of public policies within a constitutional body.

In September 2017, the Senate became the first European parliamentary body to adopt (after submitting them to public consultation) the guidelines on public consultation, which the OECD labelled as a formidable tool for narrowing the gap between citizens and institutions and for getting feedback from the citizens on the public policies introduced by the governments.


Immagine in evidenza

Papers, topics and authors: the firt report on UVI's activity


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