Logo del Senato della Repubblica Italiana

Admission and Services


See also the new Guide to Library Services.

Access and Library Card

To enter the Library of the Senate and get your Library card you should:

  • be over the age of sixteen;
  • produce a valid ID;
  • complete an application form giving the purpose of your research;
  • for security reasons, all bags should be left in locked cabinets: you will be given a see-through plastic bag to carry your personal belongings.

The Library card has a six-month validity and can be renewed.

An internal bridge provides a link between the Library of the Senate and the Library of the Chamber of Deputies "Nilde Lotti", thus creating a Joint Parliamentary Library

The public may circulate freely between the two libraries. With the exception of old books and periodicals, all other books may circulate in and between the two libraries. Kindly return the volumes to the holding Library before leaving.

A library card issued by one Library grants access to the other one.

Access to Collections

The Library offers disciplinary themed reading rooms with open shelves where library users have free access to books and periodicals. Users may take the volumes autonomously and at the end of the consultation leave them on the tables.

For material stored in closed stacks library users may ask the library staff at the ground floor.

Studying on Personal Books

Library users may introduce personal books for studying after authorisation by the library staff: an authorisation can be requested on site for a maximum of two volumes that are in line with the specialisations of the Library. It is also possible to fill out the authorisation form in advance and send it to bibliotecaminerva@senato.it

Legal codes can be entered freely.

Reservable Seats

The Library also offers reservable reading stations (equipped with a PC) for those who wish to request bibliographic material in advance and find them at their disposal on the day of the reservation.

The reservation is made autonomously online or through the Affluences app available on App Store and Google Play, indicating the material to be consulted in the appropriate fields, up to a maximum of six volumes. Further volumes may be requested on site.

It is possible to make a reservation for up to 10 subsequent days. Reservations for Mondays must be made by the previous Friday. 

It is possible to reserve one or both of the following time slots: 9.30 - 14.30 and 14.30-19.30.