Logo del Senato della Repubblica Italiana

The Senate Library "Giovanni Spadolini"

Collections and Services

Palazzo minervaThe Senate Library was established in 1848 to assist members of the Subalpine Parliament. It was opened to general public in 2003, and since 2007, together with the Chamber of Deputies Library, has been part of the Joint Parliamentary Library (Polo Bibliotecario Parlamentare) which houses over 2 million books.

The Library's holdings range across the following subjects: Law and History of Law; History; Italian Local History; Political Sciences; History of Media and Journalism; Parliamentary Documentation. It holds the most important collection of Statutes of Italian Communes and other bodies from the late Middle Ages up to modern times; ancient editions of civil and canon law, and one of the richest collections of Italian newspapers (from the 18th century to today).


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. Closed in August.


Find us

Address: Piazza della Minerva, 38 - 00186 Roma

Ph: +39 / 06.6706.3717



Ask a Librarian



Integrated access to Senate and Chamber of Deputies Libraries Catalogues: point of access for browsing and searching the entire collection of the Joint Parliamentary Library.

Giornali. Catalogo del Polo bibliotecario parlamentare: list of all the newspapers and some journals available in the Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies Library; it also contains useful information on the location of the printed version and links to the digital version (where available).

History of Italian Communes in the Senate Library: collection of databases that may be browsed individually or collectively. It includes sources on Italian law and local history before the unification of Italy.


Electronic Resources

Re@lWeb: portal of Joint Parliamentary Library Databases.

Biblioteca digitale: Joint Parliamentary Library's Discovery Tool.

Please note that access to full-text resources is restricted to computers and devices on the Library network.


Digitised Collections (freely accessible online)

L'Astrolabio: digital archive of the political periodical founded in 1963 in Rome by Ernesto Rossi and Ferruccio Parri. The periodical ceased publications in 1984.

Avanti!: digital archive of the daily newspaper and official organ of the Italian Socialist Party. The newspaper was founded in Rome in 1896 under the direction of Leonida Bissolati and it ceased publications in 1993.

Mondoperaio: digital archive of the political-cultural magazine founded by Pietro Nenni and first published on 4 December 1948 (1-year embargo).

Senate Library collections in Internet Archive: selection of Senate Library out-of-copyright materials (book, newspapers, periodicals).



Admission requirements: To enter the Senate Library and get your library card, you must be over 16 years of age and produce a valid ID.

Library card: The library card issued by the Senate Library grants access to the Library of the Chamber of Deputies too, and vice versa.

Personal bags: For security reasons, all bags should be left in locked cabinets. The area designated for outsized luggage is unattended.

Laptops and devices: You can bring your own laptop or tablet in the Library. While on the Library network, you can browse databases and other electronic resources subscribed by the Library from your personal device.

Personal books: Personal books other than printed legal codes shall not be allowed into the Library unless authorized (max 2).


Using the Collections

Open shelf collections: The open shelf material is arranged across all Library's reading rooms (ground, first and second floor). You can freely access the shelves and take items. Please leave these items on the reading desks after consultation.

Ordering items: Part of the collection is available to access from the shelves in the reading rooms, but most of the items are stored in closed stacks and need to be individually ordered. You can use the catalogues to find material. When you have found an item you would like to consult, you must order it, using the library workstations or the dedicated printed forms. Please note that most of the print newspapers are stored offsite and need to be ordered in advance for delivery to the Library. Most items will be available the day after the request.
If you are planning to use the material from the closed stacks for more than one day, it can be set aside for you for 15 days (renewable once).
Volumes from the Chamber of Deputies Library can be requested at the desk of the Senate Library, and vice versa. The volumes must be collected at and returned to the desk of Library who holds the volumes.

Preordering items: You can reserve items (max 6) in preparation for a planned visit. You can order material via https://affluences.com/biblioteca-del-senato or via the Affluences app. Please consider using this service in case you need to consult the newspapers collection that is mainly stored offsite.



Reserve study spaces: You can reserve a group study room (from 2 to 10 people) or a space for virtual meeting (with personal devices) via the website https://affluences.com/biblioteca-del-senato or via the Affluences app.

Wi-fi: Free wi-fi connection is available in all the reading rooms. You need a one-day password to access the service: please ask the staff.

Computers: Several computers with web access are available for public use through a per­sonal one-day password that you can get from the staff. Please note that you cannot print from the Library computers.

Copying library material: You can get self-service copies of the Library material using your own device (free of charge). You can also use the photocopying printing facilities (each A4 B&W copy costs 10 eurocent). Please note that newspapers and other special materials cannot be copied via the photocopying printing facilities.
Any reproduction must be made in compliance with the current copyright law (max 15% of an item can be copied for private study or non-commercial research).  
Reproductions for editorial and/or commercial purposes is subject to authorisation.

Microfilm readers: These devices are available for viewing collections on film, mainly newspapers. You can create digital copies and save them in a USB drive.


Further Information


Personal items should not be left unattended.

The Library may not be held liable for personal belongings left in reading rooms.

Seats and workstations must be vacated if you are going to be absent for more than 15 minutes.

Silence should be observed at all times in all reading rooms.

When leaving the Library (even if the exit is temporary), personal items must be collected from the lockers.

Dress code: Appropriate clothing is required to enter the Library.

Book care: Patrons marking or anyway damaging Library material are subjected to sanctions. If you notice any damage in the books given to you, please inform the Library staff.

Food and drinks: The Library provides snack vending machines and free water dispensers. Drinks and food must be consumed in the snack area only.


Copertina guide in linguaDownload the Guide to Library Services

Information on this page can also be accessed through this printable Guide to Library Services.