Logo del Senato della Repubblica Italiana


Implementing a decision of the Bureau, the Senate Historical Archives now publish several series: parliamentary speeches, historical debates in Parliament, catalogues, correspondence, history and documents, and biographies. The Historical Archives have also edited catalogues of documentary exhibitions housed in Palazzo Giustiniani.

The Senate also publishes the proceedings of the conferences held in the Zuccari Hall and recently set up joint ventures with leading Italian publishers, like Bibliopolis, Il Mulino and Rubbettino.

Mention should also be made of the collections of records and documents of several fact-finding enquiries recently conducted by the Senate, the Documentation Bulletin of the Senate Research Department, the Documentation Bulletin of the Senate European and International Department, Parliamentary Proceedings on passage of important bills and Legislative Collections available on CD-Rom.

The Senate Internet site hosts a page on new publications, listing the latest volumes in order of publication, with a description of their contents.