Logo del Senato della Repubblica Italiana

Book-fairs and exhibitions

The Senate participates in important Italian cultural events to give citizens an opportunity to have a closer view of its activity.

Usually, it is present with its own installation, which is a small copy of the Senate hemicycle, where specially trained Senate staff help children to become acquainted with parliamentary procedures and practice giving explanations tailored for the audience, answering to questions and using multimedia applications (videos, games, cartoons).

Primary- and secondary-school children also take part in mock sittings, reading scripts based on simplified records of historically significant parliamentary debates, which are even more realistic than those performed in the InformEduc@tion Centre because of both the setting and the fact that the stand is equipped with an electronic voting system.

Meetings with local Senators and experts in Constitutional Law, Parliamentary Law and Parliamentary History are also organised for groups at all school levels, including university level.

The Senate participation in these events, together with the Internet website, the parliamentary information call centre and the InformEduc@tion Centre, where Senate publications, records and other documents are sold to the public, falls within the wider framework of its external communication policy.