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How to get Senate records and papers

Parliamentary records and papers con be consulted and downloaded for free from the Senate website.

They can also be bought in printed edition:
a) directly at the Senate InformEduc@tion Centre and Bookshop (Via della Maddalena, 27)
b) ordering them by mail, phone, fax or e-mail and paying them with:
- a bank transfer to the "Senato della Repubblica-Centro informazioni" account (bank: BNL - branch office: Agenzia del Senato - IBAN: IT 57 I 01005 03373 000000006828)
- a deposit on "Senato della Repubblica - Libreria" post account nr. 76339001.

Since 1st January 2007, the prices of parliamentary records and papers have been:



1-16 pages

€ 1,00 per paper

17-32 pages

€ 2,00 per paper

33-64 pages

€ 4,00 per paper

Over 64 pages

€ 4,00 + € 0,05 per page exceeding the first 64 pages

These prices apply to the parliamentary records and papers printed from the electronic Archives on the Internet website.

The price of € 0,10 per page applies to the photocopies or prints from the Internet website.