
Femicide The final report of the first Italian Joint Committee of Inquiry.

Foto Femminicidio. Vittime e carnefici, denunce e processi: la prima mappa italiana della violenza sulle donne (e dei loro aggressori)

In 2014, 4.4 million women in Italy were physically or psychologically abused by their partner: one woman in four, among the ones in a relationship. In 2016, 149 women were murdered, 111 of whom (that's three in four, about 75%) by a family member. More than 4,000 women reported sexual violence, over 13,000 were victims of stalking - that's almost a 50% increase compared with 2011 - and 14,000 reported being abused.

Who are these victims? What is the common thread running through the perpetrators, aside from the gender (men in 90% of the cases)? The parliamentary investigation Committee on femicide and gender violence, instituted at the Senate on 18 January 2017, has drawn the first Italian map of violence on women. The final report, unanimously approved on 6 February 2018, was presented in New York during the 62nd session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

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